
ReCVEB is a department resource that is shared among several research groups. To facilitate scheduling, work days are split up into morning and afternoon sessions:
  • AM: 9am - 1pm
  • PM: 1:30pm - 6pm

The Winter '25 schedule looks as follows:

  • Monday: AM Beyeler, PM Hegarty/Catena
  • Tuesday: AM Beyeler, PM Hegarty/Catena
  • Wednesday: AM Beyeler, PM Hegarty/Catena
  • Thursday: AM Beyeler, PM Catena
  • Friday: AM Beyeler, PM Catena

Outside of these hours, ReCVEB shifts can be requested on a first-come-first-serve basis by contacting Jiaxin Su (, Lab Manager of the Beyeler lab). Please specify:

  • day & time you wish to be in ReCVEB
  • which research group you are a part of

If your request is approved, you will receive a calendar invite and your shift will appear on the official calendar. Shifts that span both AM and PM sessions will not be approved.


ReCVEB GitHub:
ReCVEB Slack:
World Viz:
